Bixiga Again

Bixiga antiques fair takes place every Sunday on Don Orione square. Most of these cameras are in good condition. All they need is a CLA (clean, adjust, lub) and they are good to go again.

Here a Canon AE-1, Minolta and Olympus OM.

Kodak Brownie and Zeiss Contaflex.

A bunch of cameras: Olympus Trip, Olympus Pen, Ricoh and others.

Including a Pentax Spotmatic with meter which is hard to find and seems be in good shape. Plus a Canonet.

Bixiga Fair

Every Sunday there is an antiques fair at Bixiga neighborhood (gosh! I have to learn how to entry a google map). Among lots of junk this guy sells some very nice large format cameras.

None are ready to go. All of them need some CLA or parts replacement. But nothing special. Just a bit of work and voilá! You have a LF camera.

I have some friends that shoot LF and I´v been thinking in start in LF photography too. Any of these cameras would be fine for me.

What called my attention in this picture is the wooden tripod. This one seems very rigid and good for a LF camera.